slurred speech unsteady gait

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Ataxia: Types, symptoms, treatment, and causes

an unsteady, stomping gait, with the heel striking hard as it touches the ground with each step; ... speech problems, including slurred and slow speech, difficulty producing speech, and problems ...

1 Page DSM

incoordination, slurred speech, unsteady gait, lethargy, depressed reflexes, psychomotor retardation, tremor, blurred vision, stupor/coma, euphoria Opioid Intoxication • Pupillary constriction and ≥1 of the following o Drowsy, slurred, memory • Specify: with perceptual disturbance Other Use Intoxication • ≥2 symptoms o Pupillary ...

Alzheimer paper.docx

Possibly some slurred speech would be noted. During ambulation since the gait is now unsteady from his recent surgery it would be expected that the patient would continue to have that unsteady gait and need assistance with ambulation. Describe the physical, psychological, and emotional effects Mr. M.'s current health status may have on him.



VALENCIA COLLEGE APR 11, 2021 05:21PM Intoxication …

Intoxication from substance abuse can manifest in various ways. Physical signs may include impaired coordination and motor skills, such as unsteady gait and slurred speech. Mental state changes may include altered consciousness, confusion, impaired judgment, difficulty concentrating, and impaired memory.

Identify the vessel, recognize the stroke

Signs and symptoms differ with the specific stroke location, but may include hemiparesis or quadriplegia, sensory loss affecting either the hemibody (half of the body) or all four limbs, double vision, …

Olanzapine (Oral Route) Side Effects

clumsiness or unsteadiness difficulty with speaking difficulty with swallowing drooling impaired vision inability to sit still loss of balance control mask-like face muscle trembling, jerking, or stiffness need to keep moving rapid weight gain restlessness shuffling walk slowed movements slurred speech stiffness of the arms and legs

Multiple system atrophy (MSA)

The main signs and symptoms are problems with muscle coordination (ataxia), but others may include: Impaired movement and coordination, such as unsteady gait and loss of balance Slurred, slow or low-volume speech (dysarthria) Visual disturbances, such as blurred or double vision and difficulty focusing your eyes

Wet Brain and Alcoholism | Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

Confusion over a simple task. For heavy drinkers, these seemingly innocent memory lapses can evolve to slurred speech, an unsteady walk, violent muscle twitches or hallucinations, signaling alcohol-induced brain damage. If left untreated, the damage can progress to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition.

Rolling gait: Nepali translation, definition, meaning, …

Rolling gait - Nepali translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. English - Nepali Translator.

Alcohol Intoxication

Slurred speech Incoordination Unsteady gait Nystagmus Impairment in attention or memory Stupor or coma Criterion D The signs or symptoms are not attributable to another medical condition and are not better explained by another mental disorder, including intoxication with another substance. Signs and Symptoms

Multiple system atrophy (MSA)

The main signs and symptoms are problems with muscle coordination (ataxia), but others may include: Impaired movement and coordination, such as …

6 Causes of Slurred Speech | Why You May Have …

Speech and swallowing difficulties - Speech: slurred, slow, indistinct, abnormal in rhythm. Swallowing: difficulty swallowing or choking (especially with liquids). …

Ataxia: Types, symptoms, treatment, and causes

an unsteady, stomping gait, with the heel striking hard as it touches the ground with each step postural instability that becomes worse in poorly lit environments If a person stands with their...

Gait Disorders & Ataxia | Pacific Movement …

Gait disorders are very common in the adult population, increasing with age. Sixty-two-percent of patients over the age of 80 have a gait disorder, whether from neurological or non-neurological cause. …

Gait Disorders & Ataxia | Pacific Movement …

Ataxia refers to lack of coordination and can include staggering gait as well as uncoordinated arm movements, speech and eye movements. The spinocerebellar ataxias are a group of rare genetic …

Objective Symptoms of Alcohol Intoxication at DUI Hearing

Slurred speech… slow or deliberate speech…..speaking softly. Problems with motor skills (i.e. fumbling with wallet, unable to find documents). Unsteady exit from vehicle. Unsteady gait (i.e. stumbling, staggering, leaning again car, …

Overview of Huntington's Disease

Unsteady gait & involuntary movements (chorea) Slurred speech, difficulty in swallowing & significant weight loss Most people with HD experience problems with thinking, behavior, and movements. Symptoms usually worsen over the course of 10 to 25 years and affect the ability to reason, walk, and talk.

Study guide ch. 19-24

a speech, unsteady gait, impaired concentration b, talkativeness, euphoria c inhibitions, increased appetite, distorted perceptions d, dilated pupils, visual hallucinations. 4 12 steps of AA teach that a of being an alcoholic will prevent urges to drink. ... a.Slurred speech, unsteady gait, impaired concentration. b.Hyperactivity, talkativeness ...

Ataxia | Cedars-Sinai

Slurring of speech Wide-based gait when walking Trouble with writing and eating Slow eye movements Frequent falls Key points about ataxia People with ataxia lose muscle control in their arms and legs. This may lead to a lack of balance, coordination, and trouble walking.

Unsteady gait/slurred speech???

For two weeks a friend of mine has had, 48 yr old male, unsteady gait and now slurred speech. He was admitted to the hospital today and his MRI and scan were negitive. …

Unsteady Gait: Causes, Treatment, and When to …

Doctors may also describe an unsteady gait as an ataxic gait. This means the person is walking in an abnormal, uncoordinated, or unsteady manner. What to look for with an unsteady gait? An...


Signs and symptoms of dysarthria vary, depending on the underlying cause and the type of dysarthria. They may include: 1. Slurred speech 2. Slow speech 3. Inability to speak louder than a whisper or speaking too loudly 4. Rapid speech that is difficult to understand 5. Nasal, raspy or …

Wet Brain and Alcoholism | Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

For heavy drinkers, these seemingly innocent memory lapses can evolve to slurred speech, an unsteady walk, violent muscle twitches or hallucinations, signaling alcohol-induced brain damage. If left untreated, the damage can progress to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition.

Uncoordinated Movement: Causes, Diagnosis and …

They're largely controlled by the cerebellum, an important structure in the brain. Ataxia occurs when there's a disruption in communication between the brain and the rest of the body. This causes...

Gait Disorders: Types, Causes, and Treatment

Sometimes called a waddling gait, a myopathic gait is characterized by a side-to-side movement when walking. It is often due to a weakness in the pelvic area. Myopathic gait can be due to hip...

6 Causes of Slurred Speech | Why You May Have …

Slurred speech Drooping of one side of the face Weakness or trouble controlling one side of the body Numbness in the face, arm, or leg Difficulty walking Sudden loss of vision or double vision Sudden, severe …

Unsteady Gait: Symptoms, Signs, Causes & Treatment

An unsteady gait is an abnormality in walking that can be caused by diseases of or damage to the legs and feet (including the bones, joints, blood vessels, muscles, and other soft tissues) or to the nervous system that controls the movements necessary for walking.

Signs and Symptoms of Drug Use

Short-term euphoria, giggling, silliness, dizziness, followed by headaches and fainting or unconsciousness. Long-term use: Memory loss, emotional instability, impairment of reasoning, slurred speech, clumsy, staggering gait, eye flutter, tremors, hearing loss, loss of sense of smell, and escalating stages of brain atrophy.

Overview of Huntington's Disease

Unsteady gait & involuntary movements (chorea) Slurred speech, difficulty in swallowing & significant weight loss; Most people with HD experience problems with thinking, behavior, and movements. Symptoms usually worsen over the course of 10 to 25 years and affect the ability to reason, walk, and talk. Early on, a person with HD or their friends ...

Unsteady Gait: Causes, Treatment, and When to Seek …

Doctors may also describe an unsteady gait as an ataxic gait. This means the person is walking in an abnormal, uncoordinated, or unsteady manner. What to look for with an unsteady gait? An...

Gait Disorders: Types, Causes, and Treatment

A diplegic gait can happen as a result of cerebral palsy, stroke, or head trauma. Neuropathic gait. A neuropathic gait is sometimes known as a foot drop. One foot flops down when your leg lifts up ...

Chapter 9 Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Reduced inhibitions, euphoria, dizziness, slurred speech, unsteady gait, giddiness, drowsiness, and …

Ataxia: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Ataxia is the term used to describe the loss of coordination in the body. This loss of coordination can manifest as a loss of balance, slurred speech, stumbling, a …

Alzheimer paper.docx

Possibly some slurred speech would be noted. During ambulation since the gait is now unsteady from his recent surgery it would be expected that the patient would continue to have that unsteady gait and need assistance with ambulation. Describe the physical, psychological, and emotional effects Mr. M.'s current health status may have on him ...